After awhile, Brenda's confidence in me grew, and she seemed to relax.I wasn't being entirely ignored by the visitors. I am, after all, a damned good-looking doggie, despite my mixed heritage. I am clean, beautifully behaved, flea-free and decorous to a fault. And I'm capable, should my Mistress call upon me to do so, of showing these women some tricks they'd never seen a dog perform before!No, I'm not talking about that trick. Brenda's not about to call upon me for that!You know! I'm just talking about such things as the flush-the-toilet-and-put-the-seat-back-down trick. I was sort of glad she didn't ask me to demonstrate that one for her friends. Oh, I would have performed on demand. I didn't want to embarrass my Mistress by suddenly playing dumb and refusing to do my "trick". But, let's face it: Peeing into a toilet bowl on demand, and then doing the flush-and-put-the-seat-down routine? For an audience of young women? Well, that can be a little bit humiliating.But Brenda didn't. Kathleen took a seat on the couch in her usual position and chatted with Katie and Brody. Katie was hoping her Mom didn’t smell the arousal odor from her saturated pussy. Kathleen had consumed a fair amount of wine while out with her girlfriends and didn’t give any indications she suspected anything. When the movie ended, Kathleen turned off the TV, and they all went off to bed.Once in bed, Katie's fingers found their way to her wet pussy, and she masturbated, thinking about what she had just let Brody do to her and what she was preparing to do to Brody before her Mom arrived unexpectedly. Fantasizing about Brody's cock sliding deep into her throat pushes her over the edge. She licked her fingers clean, pretending they were Brody's cock and then drifted off into a peaceful slumber.Saturday morning at the breakfast table, everyone chatted as usual. It never ceased to amaze Katie how people can act so normally. It may just be her guilty imagination, but she was so sure her Mom and Dad.
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